As a business owner, there will be times that you can certainly benefit from having a professional keep your books or provide other Accounting and Bookkeeping related services. Allow our practice to take care of things for you so that you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.
We provide all the services you need to run your business properly and profitably. This can be on a monthly or quarterly basis. We will reconcile your bank account(s) (and charge accounts if applicable) and make all necessary adjusting entries in order to generate a Balance Sheet and Income Statement. This enables us to not only analyze your business but to also make sure taxes are paid in for the business owners. In addition, when it is time to file your taxes the books are already in order and ready to be compiled into a tax return.
We specialize in small business officer(s) payroll ensuring that IRS guidelines are met and the appropriate amount of taxes are paid in for the officers’ earnings from their business.
If you already have your own accounting system in place we offer a CFO/Controller Service where we can provide General Ledger review and cleanup and post any/all necessary accounting adjustments